Thursday, December 4, 2014

Walk Cycle and Dialouge

Hey Y'all,

So last time I mentioned walk cycles. Here is that assignment.

Till next time ya'll,
Tasha Out <3

Semester wrap up

Hey Ya'll,

So here is what has happened since the last time I posted. Life got really busy. Last time I left you guys I posted my typography animatic, so here is the final. Also we did walk cycles and a dialouge assignment, so here are the character sheets.

Till next time ya'll,
Tasha out<3

Monday, October 20, 2014

What you can do when you Flash and Type

Hey Y'all,

So the last time we chatted I showed you some gesture drawing for a character using Adobe Flash. Here is is what came of those gesture drawings. Also, here's my animatic for my next project "Kinetic Typography." Essentially we are taking parts of songs, poems, speeches and making a video using mostly text to convey emotion. Its gonna be awesome. OH and don't judge my animatic so hard, the finished product won't look like it.

Till next time y'all,

Tasha out <3

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Stop motion shorts and using flash

Hey Ya'll,

   So a lot has happened since our last chat. Campus plague has spread like wildfire and I learned a lot of new things.
   First thing being doing a stop motion with a several hand cut pieces is very time consuming(though still fun). Second, sticking to your animatic, this is a rough cut/slideshow of what your final animation might look like, is helpful. You can see my animatic in the video below and the final product. Third, I LOVE♥ LOVE FLASH!!! Flash is sooooooo much more fun(and faster) than stop motion (though I still love stop motion). I'm pretty sure I just think that because there is more instant gratification for me. It's kinda like working with Photoshop and I used a drawing tablet for the first time. We use Wacom tablets( SO COOL) in my class.The most awkward part, not looking down at my hands as I'm drawing, cause its not visible on the tablet.

   We are starting our next projects in class now. So we had to design characters to make interact with something heavy. I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do yet, so I just did a bunch of gesture drawings. I 'll just hope for the best.

   The following videos are: My groups stop motion animatic and final animation and my gesture drawings for my flash project. 

Til next time ya'll,

Tasha out♥

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I'm Alive!!!!

Hey ya'll,

So it's been a while since I last posted, managed to catch campus plague. Anywho, I learned a new thing in my stupor. Adobe After Effects is pretty awesome. I'm not very good with using yet, but I'll be decent in no time. So, last time I showed ya'll a bouncing ball animation using Dragon Frame, well here is one using After Effects.

Till next time ya'll,
Tasha out ♥

Monday, September 1, 2014

Dragonframe Stop Motion

Hey Ya'll,

So cool thing I learned how to do in animation class, Dragonframe! This software is used to make stop motion. Now I knew how to do stop motion before, but using this program made it significantly easier. Dragonframe has been used for some great projects like Coraline, ParaNorman, Frankenweenie (all of which are cute movies, if you haven't seen them) and Robot Chicken. In class we just made some basic stop motions with ball dropping, so here was my groups little piece. Fun stuff right?! Thanks to Manny, Alex, and Brandi, working with ya'll was fun! ^_^ 
Till next time ya'll!
Tasha out ♥

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hey Ya'll!

Hey Ya'll,
I'm Tasha and I'm an art student. I am learning how to create 2D animations at school and this blog will help me visibly see my progress and will most likely bring you some laughs (at my high levels of inexperience or what have you). Anywho, I currently am navigating my way through different art styles to find what I like best. This blog will focus on my animations. Hopefully this class will help me in possibly working with animations as a career one day, so wish me luck.
Till next time ya'll!
Tasha out♥